
What is Home-Centered Ministry

In today’s society of professionals, service organizations, do-it-yourself tips, tools and blogs, and other cultural issues, Christian education has primarily fallen on trained, professional church workers and clergy.  This has seemed to work for decades, but with this change, many parents have started to feel less and less equipped to teach the Christian faith to their children.  However, we continue to see young adults walking away from church, and sometimes the Christian faith, even with excellent church programming to bring them through their adolescent years.  According to Scripture, it would appear that the greatest impact on a child’s faith throughout their life is not from an excellent church program, amazing preacher, or excited youth worker but from their parents/guardians, from faith being taught through every day life and its struggles in the home.  Deuteronomy 6:1-11 stresses to us the important role a parent or guardian plays in raising their child in the Christian faith.  Dt. 6:7ff,

“You shall teach them {statutes of God} diligently to your children, and shall talk of them of when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise.  You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.  You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

Home-centered ministry at Concordia has the mission to shape and empower homes to live the love of Christ Jesus.  It encompasses the entire span of the congregation of Concordia Lutheran Church and School.  Home-centered ministry is not a replacement of current, existing programs and ministries.  It is also not a new program to add to the already overwhelmed schedule of homes.  Home-centered ministry seeks to use existing programs and ministries, including those dynamic and God-gifted leaders in these programs and ministries, to help shape and empower homes to live the love of Christ, while also providing other opportunities as necessary to carry out this mission. 

The Home-centered Ministry of Concordia seeks to be a resource and tool that homes can utilize to continue to grow in faith in Christ Jesus, to impact members of each household and to help continue passing on the Christian faith from generation to generation.  This is done through many activities and opportunities…such as workshops, seminars, family service projects, family events, and so much more.  Join us to learn more and to see your family grow in the love of God shown through His Son Jesus Christ!